Writing, writing, writing...the endless scribbling of words that would persuade people to be attracted with what you are introducing in the market as some kind of necessity that would enable for them to survive further. That's the fight that I am actually trying to win. But how can I still fight if intimidation precedes defeat? Gahhh! That's so hard!!!
I used to have that great love for writing when I was still a kid but I don't know what had happened to that passion. I cannot blame others for that incident but myself. Maybe I became too tactless with that skill that I wasn't able to elaborate and enhance it to its fullest.
I wanted to get that job...but instead of selling myself, i put myself into a trap that let the interviewee sense that I am not so sure about the position. It's just frustrating that I feel hopeless *sigh*. Well, hoping still for a favorable response from them.