
Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I suddenly developed a fetish of cutting my hair much shorter than my previous haircut. I am totally in-love with short hair right now and I want to try every single style of it.
Long before I was still a kid, I used to hate my mom for cutting my hair short...I feel like a boy then. I want to have that long and silky hair that some of my classmates had. My mom used to tell me that long hair doesn't fit me since I was so skinny then (well until now, but the word has already evolved into "petite"). So as soon as I grabbed my liberty of doing so, I was so totally happy. I never gone into parlor at that very moment I received it (I mean I still went there from time to time just to have a trim). I started growing my hair when I was in my "tweeners" (do I spell it right?) going to high school. Having that long hair somehow satisfy me and feel that I am me. I feel so pretty especially during my debut and later at my college graduation. The stylists (2 different men for each occasion) was able to transform me into an elegant lady by giving a nice polish of curls at the end of my long hair.
Not until I graduated from college did I felt how dull and boring I looked like with the long hair. I tried experimenting my looks with shorter ones...and much to my surprise, it fitted me more. I realized that my short hair gave me a more interesting and unique look because few has the gift to jive with the style without looking odd or boyish. The face will glow more because of the emphasis without much covering given by the hair. Not to mention that my hair definitely was rejuvenated and  feel fresh. Yes, it is a total risk cutting it shorter since it requires to step out without any assurance that it will look good at me, and I'm glad it did! 
But the dilemma is, how long will i stay in-love with my short hair? I don't know. But I'm already decided as early as now that I will still grow my hair long especially for my wedding day...years from now!:)